Bayleys Real Estate Ltd
News and Editorial

Apply for Sponsorship

The Bayleys Foundation receives a lot of requests for support on a daily basis from multiple individuals and organisations throughout New Zealand. Our Sponsorship Team carefully reviews each of these requests and will respond in a timely manner. In order to be considered for funding you must fill in the application below detailing the initiative.

We will send you an email acknowledging receipt of the completed application and identify the time frame of our proposed response.

Bayleys will not consider applications that request sponsorship for individuals, events or organisations outside of New Zealand, personal interest groups, illegal or high-risk activities or events. The Bayleys trademarks must not be used and in no circumstances except with prior written approval from Bayleys to promote an event or an attraction that violates local, regional or national laws or is contrary to the Company’s Terms and Conditions of sponsorship. We cannot consider any application that requires commitment or funding within 30 days of submitting this application.