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Elite Partner - Cure Kids


Cure Kids focus on raising funding to enable high-impact, New Zealand based medical research to help save, extend and improve the lives of children diagnosed with serious life-impacting and life-limiting health conditions.

We believe through our support we can help to shape and vastly improve the way children who live with serious diseases and health conditions are diagnosed and treated.

Cure Kids’ funding supports researchers across New Zealand whose work focuses on childhood cancers, inherited heart conditions, epilepsy, infectious diseases, cystic fibrosis, sudden unexpected death in infants (SUDI), stillbirth, burns as well as child and adolescent mental health – and many other areas of research.

Cure Kids is the largest funder of child health research outside the government. They work hard to support the best research possible to make a measurable difference to the health and well-being of children in New Zealand.

As a Bayleys Foundation Elite Partner, we are proud to help make this work possible.


Big Research for Little Lives

  • $65 million of world-class research funded
  • 700+ research projects completed
  • 53 years of proven results


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